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Words of my Angels

I found the depth of my soul in the voice of my heart. And I speak shallow but hear strong. I do not know if time will undo this silence, but I cannot ignore the words.

“So speak,” I hear my angels whisper. My confidence embraces their wisdom. The child inside is momentarily comforted, but the world makes her believe she’s scared and the past she has not given to the Angel of Death.

So I turn it over for her to hear. These are the words of my Angel:

It is over. Move on. Hear the voice. Move on. Embrace the wings. Soar like the wind. Move. Follow Spirit toward tomorrow. Never ending is eternal purpose. Find the love of all. Give to all and shine in light. Blessed is the future ahead. Bright is the hope of tomorrow in today. Our voice is one. You do not have to doubt the words, the purpose. You cannot fail in giving love from the source. Just speak in love and embrace the hope, the renewal, rebirth –the purpose shining within.

Time has come for you to be—
Not just in love but through love

Love the world
And your voice
Will speak only

Fear the world
And it will
Silence you

You are blessed beyond
You are a voice
Of hope

Give hope in love
And shine within the One.

I love you, Christa. You hear now. Do not lose this voice.
Speak and be heard.

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