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Revelation and Tick Update

So I am happy to say that I have nothing to worry about in terms of Lyme disease. I spoke to my Dr today and was informed it takes at least 36 hours for the disease to transmit from a tick. I know that tick was attached to me for maybe 10 minutes before I ripped that bitch off of my arm. I am golden!

On another note, I realized today that I am far too critical/hard on myself and I take too many things to heart. The remedy for this would be that I have to learn the power of detachment. I have to realize that everything in life is temporary and true enjoyment, true giving; true love comes in the moment; not in reflection, not in hope, not even in memory. If I embrace the truth nothing I have is ever really mine (including love), then I break the cycle of attachment.

If I detach from what I perceive should be, I am only left with what is –and what is can only be truth.  The people in my life, those whom I love, are only here for the moment. They are not for me, but with me when we are sharing. When we are not together, not sharing, they are engaged in their life; separate from me, in their authentic moment. This life is not about me, not about my wants and needs, but about the individuals who surround me, as I surround them.

We are all in this dance, creating moments, creating life. I can only be attached to the moments I create, as you create, as we create, we share and shift away…

…into Detachment:

Joy is in
The discovery of
Something new.

Beauty is in
Letting go,
As love is in
Moving on.

I let go
To surrender,
As you move on
To reunite –
As we engage
The world in
A moment
Fresh with
New sight.

It is never new or old;
Birth or death;
But the life we live in
Constant awareness of
The flowing stream
We drift
Perpetually in.

I move in life,
As you,
As we,
As all just
Live to be –

Being now, letting go –
Being forever, moving on.
CL April 09


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